太伤心了……在寝室痛哭……“Funny, y’know? After all the highways, and trains, and the appointments and the years, you end up worth more dead than alive.” Dustin Hoffman说完这个的时候是咬着上唇嘴唇弯出一个很夸张的笑的弧度的看到那里的时候我整个人都要垮了……看的时候非常能relate Biff最近免费中文字幕MV免费高清版甚至感到后怕因为有些场面太像我和我爸发生过的事情了社会意识形态所构造出的幻梦想要碾碎一个人、一个家庭就是这样轻而易举的事巨大又毫无道理的绝望可以发生在任何人身上任何人都有可能是Willy先被给予、再被剥夺;有可能是Biff还没有获得很多东西命运荒谬的偶然就已经彻底掐死了你;有可能是Linda你完全想不通发生了什么但是你的生活因为某些人的崩溃而支离破碎
Human touch. Our first form of communication. Safety, security, comfort, all in the gentle caress of a finger. Or the brush of lips on a soft cheek. It connects us when we're happy, bolsters us in times of fear, excites us in times of passion and love. We need that touch from the one we love, almost as much as we need air to breathe. But I never u