观影爽感、视听艺术造诣和深层文本构建三者皆顾的惊喜之作女主单非家庭背景深港两地穿梭普通话、粤语不断切换没有工具怎么弄自己加上 “学生妹误打误撞入行走水货” 的犯罪片类型化设定种种元素碰撞到一块儿为该片带来了一种港片气质 x 大陆日常的生活化超现实感也在某种程度上具现化了女主内心割裂的身份认同音乐品味太好了电子乐完全衬托出了暗潮汹涌的感觉镜头和打光手法也极其高明演员更是调教得浑然天成看完全片油然而生一股惆怅:自己何时才能做出这么牛逼的南方电影呢
Worth seeing a second time / s2e2太好看了so juicy that only see it once can’t quite catch it. Or maybe I’m just tired after a whole day still need to watch such hard-core drama. XXX, you’re under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. No, he had a theory, which you confirmed.